I think it's great that you're interested in politics and enjoy talking about current events. I believe it's important for young people to explore different points of view so that they can find themselves and develop independent judgment. People need to keep in mind that you will be voting in the next presidential election - 2012, when you will be 18, is only 4 short years away - so you're perfectly entitled to care about what's happening today.
Brian's aunt, who cannot vote because she is not a U.S. citizen, and his cousin, who is your age, got involved anyway by volunteering at their local caucus location. So you don't have to be a registered voter to matter. There are other ways to get involved.
There is, however, a fine line between being precocious and being obnoxious. You still need to be respectful to adults and not act like you know everything. It's good practice for your to figure out how to effectively communicate your opinions without coming off condescending or pissing people off.
Adults really get off on putting smart kids like you "in their place." Get used to many more years of having humble pie jammed down your throat. The one advantage to being 30 is that, even though you might not know much more than you knew last year, the number alone gives you instant credibility.
Until then, keep being interested in the things you're interested in, keep exploring new ideas, practice your communication skills and try to be humble.
I’ve never blogged about anything before. Maybe because I’ve never really been inspired enough to partake in a discussion, but I felt this subject matter was important enough to say something. Especially considering I’m the subject that is being discussed. So I feel it necessary to defend, or at least explain my role in the aforementioned accusations. Primarily the one where I am painted as the cruel, oppressor of free and independent thought. The menace to someone’s opinion. I shouldn’t find it surprising that you missed the point with the conversation I had with you about expressing your opinion. Yes, I did say that you shouldn’t express your opinion. But as I said in that conversation, over and over, and even again when you asked me to clarify what I meant by not being able to express your opinion. My issue was that when I have my adult friends are over, and we are talking amongst ourselves, as adults, I would appreciate that you not interrupt our conversation. You point out the moment when you blurted out that Hilary Clinton won in the Nevada primary. My issue with that was that we were all talking about boxing, seeing as how everyone came over to my house to watch a boxing match that night. And not once, but twice did you interrupt the conversation in progress to blurt out that Hilary won. After the second time, I gestured to you to give it a rest. You said, “No! I’m not going to let someone stop me from saying what I want to say.” But even when you noticed that not a single person wanted to talk about it, you got up from the computer, sat down in the chair, and again, a third time, deviated the conversation with something totally unrelated. Which is often a trend of yours. These friends of mine were here for me, not for you. They were here not to entertain you nor to be entertained by you. That was my issue. All of this serves to illustrate my biggest problem. The gist of my conversation with you was to point out that sometimes, adults want to be adults and talk with adults. You somehow can’t comprehend that no matter how it is told to you. I was being nice and letting hang around while the adults mingled. But it wasn’t enough for you to be a fly on the wall. You had to be in the conversation. Which is what you do, every, and I mean every single time someone is having a conversation around you. You just have to have something to say. Even though it doesn’t involve you, nor do you know what you are talking about, you’ll find a way to interrupt. Each and every single time. Often times which things that have nothing to do with what is being talked about. (We could be in the middle of a conversation about what we should do when we go to Wisconsin on vacation, and you’ll blurt out, “has anyone heard the new Kanye song?”) I was trying to be nice and not make you leave, but you always have to inject some opinion into everything. You might think I’m exaggerating, just ask anyone that has ever had a conversation around you. You should at least acknowledge that I don’t try to suppress your opinions. On the contrary, I’m the only one in this house that likes to immerse in deep discussions with you not only about politics, but about religion, movies, and anything else you like to bring up. Not even your dad has enough patience for it. I help foster your appetite for knowledge. But everything has a time and place. And you have a time and place where you are welcome to participate. And though what your aunt alludes to is mostly correct, that age doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smarter, but life experience does mean you’re wiser. And that is something you do not have. You seem to think that I can’t relate to you. You forget I was thirteen; you on the other hand, have yet to accumulate the life experience that comes with my age. This whole idea that you think I need to right is ridiculous and unfounded. Whenever I have been wrong, I have conceded to being wrong. However, I think you think that because of another reason. Because pf the fact that I debate some of your views on subject that you bring up to debate. I like to play Devil’s Advocate. Just because I challenge your views doesn’t mean that I’m trying to be right, I challenge them to help enlighten you that there are potentially more accurate views than your own, or to show the lack of sound research that you have put into something. A perfect example is the whole politics thing. You seem to think that just because you watched a few news reports, CNN or whatever, you’re qualified to suggest who should be the next or best president. All you know are sound bites and tag lines. Not once have you ventured into each candidates website to research where a nominee stands on certain issues. (Barak Obama’s websites list nearly twenty “issues” on his site. Have you even read a single one?)Sure the debates help. But have you done some solid, thorough investigating? No. I equate your opinion to an old adage; never take love advice from someone that’s never been in love. You have never jaded my politics. You don’t know how it feels to be screwed paying more taxes, or having more money taken out of your check for social security, or had the real worries an adult has had. Those things matter when voting for someone to represent you in congress. All you have is a child’s inexperience. Your worries consist of which next video game are you going to have your dad buy you. Or when is my dad going to get off his ass to buy milk. Or which movie is my dad going to take me to now so that I could blog about it later. Those are your worries. Not work schedules or deadlines or money problems. Your problems don’t carry any weight. So please don’t be offended if your opinion on politics doesn’t either. All you hear are pundits on the news criticizing our president, so therefore you think, I’m quoting you now, and “George Bush is an idiot’. Why? You had absolutely no substantial reason when I asked you to tell my why you thought he was an idiot. You’ll have no reason, no evidence for any opinion, and if you do, it’s all misinformation. Maybe it’s because you hear what you want to hear. A perfect example is that you walked away from our last conversation thinking that I didn’t want you to express an opinion. Never mind the fact that I said over and over that the whole point was because my friends were there for me, and no one wanted to hear the nonsensical ravings of a loud-mouth malcontent. And even with this blog you’ll probably walk away with me “getting off on putting kids as smart as you down”. Your aunt hit the proverbial nail on the head. Learn to distinguish when you’re being precocious and out right obnoxious. Most off all though, learn some humility. You have an arrogance and condescending nature that will only succeed in alienating you from others. You often start and/or finish some comment with, “no offence.” As I’ve told you before, if you feel you might have to preface or end a comment with that statement, maybe you shouldn’t make the statement at all. But no light bulb goes off in your head to tell to watch what you’re saying and to whom you are saying to. That is another reason I have asked you to filter yourself around people. But I’m sure you’ll just chalk it up to me being mean or trying to suppress your opinion. Well, at least you’ll have something to blog about.
Theres his point, and I won't delete it. I don't remember saying anything cruel to anybody ever, but if he says so. I do npot alienate myself from anybody, and yes I have read his issues on the website. I will list a couple on the forth-coming blog post. Did you ever ask me what I thought about George Bush, and what he sasy in which I think he is an idiot. Therefore, your comment is irrelevant. You did mention yourself that you were a communist, and that the home that I live in, is full of communists, along with our country. I refuse to agree with anything you say, but the interuption part. once... Yes, I did yell that out twice, probably because I was trying to get attention, but I was not trying to start a conversation, and I was not intently trying stop you from having an enjoyable conversation with your intriguing friends. Yes, I do try to join conversations alot, not every single conveersation going on, if it's an inappropiate conversation, I probably won't join in. I do recall, that you were actually to watch the game at the bar, but I guess because it was "cold" you decided to say. You may have been trying to defend yourself, but I think you make yourself look more like a cruel, oppresing uncle. No offense.
I just spent an afternoon discussing readings about LEADERSHIP and the nature of Leading. One of the points was that in becoming a leader one always faces adversity, but a leader is driven to simply be and express themselves. Chalk this moment up to one of those challenges. Life may be full of tyrant uncles, but if you get a positive lesson out of it, (patience, confidence, finding effective ways to be heard) then you've become a better person.
By the way, you'll notice that the sun is out longer each day in February. In Russia, March was awesome.
Dear Jesse and tyrant uncle...well, I can feel both sides of this issue. I know Jesse as a teenager who is coming into understanding "things" on a deeper level. I also know him as a teenager who jokes around and makes silly remarks. But, geez, he's still a kid. The term "loud-mouth malcontent" is severe coming from someone related to Jesse. I can see how you probably got annoyed by his behavior that night, but maybe you're over-estimating yourself a bit by reacting so strongly to him. You did know that Jesse was going to be there, and you know how he is, and it would obviously be more mature of you as his uncle to accept him, and just tell him to relax. Reading your part where you were advertising that people were there to see you, tyrant uncle, and not him, were juvenile remarks themselves. When you're in a group of people, there's always the chance that someone will make an awkward comment/statement, but an ADULT group of people would move on and let it go, discuss it if necessary, but, still, let it go. I cannot help but agree that Jesse acts immature, but, that's what teenagers do. He will learn with every experience in life, and his reaction to blogging about it was his teenager reaction. I'm sorry to say that I felt your response, TYrant Uncle, was childish as well. We love you and miss you, Jesse. Take care and stop pi$$ing off people, and stop making a big deal on your blog about it :)
Dear anonymous and Jesse, I agree that my blog was a bit aggressive. Let me begin this final blog (as I hope not to be further sucked into this) by apologizing to Jesse if he at any point felt I was being severe. I will also apologize if he at any point felt that I didn’t want him expressing his opinion at any time or any place. Now if Jesse had the maturity everyone gives him credit for (do not construe this as me saying he is not mature or smart, because I think he can be very mature and he’s probably the smartest 13 y/o I know) he would conduct some true analysis of what he thinks I don’t want him doing. Because he would see how wrong he is if he truly took a step back, and asked himself, if my uncle really doesn’t want me to express my opinion at any time or any place, then why is he the only one here (in Chicago) that every really engages me in conversation or debates? He knows that I’m the only one here that talks to him, helps him express or bounce off his ideas. We talk about movies, politics, religion, war, everything he brings up, I converse with him about. So his belief that I don’t want him expressing his ideas at any time and/or any place is contrary to my actions, and completely wrong. So since he mischaracterized me, I felt it necessary to explain my self. Since his blog only offered his side of the story. That being said, his initial blog about me, the one that provoked me to explain (not defend myself as Jesse understands it), his core issue with me as written in the blog is that he feels I don’t want him to share his opinions (political or otherwise) at “any time or any place.” My point of the blog, as well as in the conversations I have had with Jesse but he clearly does not seem to absorb is that he is more than free to express his opinion at any time and any place, but there is a time and place and that he needs to start being cognizant of when those times and places are. You (anonymous) point out that, in the example I gave, I could have told him to relax, moved on and let it go. Well, the second time he mentioned it, I did tell him to let it go, but he said and I quote, “No! I’m not going to let someone stop me from saying something.” As the adult and the person in charge, I did let it go, but his response was that of a pouting little child. But how is it possible not to be upset when he further interrupted a third time? Jesse doesn’t have a filter and as the adult it is my duty, and every other adults’ duty in his life (his aunt, uncle, whomever, mother, father) to teach him and/or provide him the tools to use that filter. It’s not enough to just say, “you’re right Jesse, your uncle was being cruel.” It’s our duty to teach him proper decorum when around adults. That only makes matters worse.
So you (anonymous) are wrong in saying that I reacted improperly or immaturely. My response was natural of someone trying to do their part in helping Jesse become aware of his surroundings. In no way shape or form could you walk away that I don’t want Jesse expressing his opinion. The overall message of that blog is that he needs to learn when and where he can express it. And when adults are around adults, sometimes, not all the time, adults just want to have conversation with adults, and not with kids. I told that to him in the conversation, I cleary express that in my blog response, and yet, what does he say?, “I refuse to agree with anything you say…you may have been trying to defend yourself, but I think you make yourself look more like a cruel oppressing uncle.” Are you kidding me?!! He doesn’t understand when I told him, he doesn’t understand when I wrote it, how do I make him understand? I don’t think I’m being unreasonable when I say that there are times that adults just want to have adult conversation without a child (I don’t mean that in a derogatory way) interrupting. Is that too much to ask for? I don’t think so. But Jesse’s knee-jerk reaction was to be offended and blog about it. He does not have the maturity to step back and asses what was being asked of him. Not even when he interrupted a third time did I say anything or yell at him or tell him to leave, we ignored it and moved on. I talked to him after the fact, in a calm and civilized manner. I didn’t raise my voice nor spoke in an aggressive manner. What does he do? He blogs about it as if I’m being cruel. Now maybe over there (Vegas), he’s used to being coddled or the adults just can’t tell him that he’s doing something wrong, but I will and have done so. That conversation we had which made him write the blog wasn’t the first time I had that conversation. So now allow me to dissect your erroneous comments, you say: “maybe you're over-estimating yourself a bit by reacting so strongly to him,” -Are you serious?? I don’t care who you are, but if you tell someone over and over that they’re doing something wrong, and they continue to do it, then yeah, you will react a little strong. Especially if you’re being maligned in a blog. (Just ask him how many times I have had to tell him to turn off the light in the kitchen when he’s not in there. I tell him at least, at least three times a week) “You did know that Jesse was going to be there, and you know how he is, and it would obviously be more mature of you as his uncle to accept him, and just tell him to relax. Reading your part where you were advertising that people were there to see you, tyrant uncle, and not him, were juvenile remarks themselves.” -I was mature about it. When he interrupted a third time we ignored it. That happened almost a month ago. I just had the conversation a week ago. And I wasn’t mad at him, I didn’t yell, you could even ask him, I was civil and polite the entire time. And I’m sorry, when I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. As such, kids didn’t interrupt the adults when they were together having conversation. We were taught to know when and where we were welcome. We didn’t need it advertised that the adults were there for the adults. But for some reason, it needs to be done for Jesse. If you can’t see that I was being nice simply by letting him hang around, then maybe you suffer from a similar condition. And you might say that I’m being immature for addressing you like that. But I’m not trying to attack you. You too have to see that I was being reasonable in every step I took and the approach I had was far beyond of what any reasonable person would have had considering how often it is mentioned in order to avoid another conversation. He will not learn as you suggest unless I do my part and help teach him. Me addressing it to him was not me chastising him, but helping him develop his manners and/or decorum around adults. If all he walks away with is that I was being mean, or punishing him, then he is not putting his part in his personal evolutionary contract. But if we as adults, just humor him and say, “well Jesse, just chalk this up to a life challenge”, (as someone mentioned) we are not helping him. A comment like that only belittles my issue to nothing more than a despotic rant. That’s wrong! Especially considering my issue is and was a valid one.
Now Jesse,
I do apologize for you walking away with the impressing that I don’t want you expressing your opinion any time and any place. Hopefully, this cleared things up. I hope it was not futile or in vain this final blog. I do believe you are the smartest 13 y/o I know. But learn humility. Learn manners when around adults. Learn the ability to gauge when and where you can say something. That’s my overall message. For example: You asked in your response, “when did I ever say George Bush was an idiot”, you have on several occasions. Allow me to show you using your very own blog simply by entreating you to read your blog about Stem Cells and George Bush. Though that blog is intelligently written, it is inherently wreckless. I was beyond impressed at your prose, and at how articulate it all sounded, but how much of what you wrote do you really understand? You dismiss George Bush by saying, “George Bush just has to stick his nose in to stuff he probably doesn’t understand”, Wow. You did maybe, three days worth of research, read an article or two, maybe even a text book, science book, and in that amount of time, you think you know more informed than the president of the United States, who has experts, access to some of the smartest people on the planet, advising him on the topic, and you think with the limited amount of knowledge you have, you are an authority more so than the president?? Wow!! Are you really that qualified to dismiss Bush? A thirteen y/o with 8th grade education is more versed on stem cell research than a 60+ y/o Yale graduate, with more accumulated academic knowledge, expert scientific advice? Have you ever gone on to a pro-life website to see the other side’s argument? If that’s the case, why are you still in 8th grade and not in some science lab? The other side has their scientist as well. People with doctorates, degrees and certificates, much more qualified than you, and yet, you know more than they do, is that it? This is what I’m talking about. Your approach to a topic is mostly misinformed or limited at best. And when you and I debate, these are the gaps I try to fill in for you, but all you do is say that “I’m just trying to be right”. Humility. Look it up. Then you could blog about that and how you’re going to do your best to be more humble.
Dude, you do not want to start with VAnessa, and I do confess that my post was a little bit biest. So, can we all just shut up already? I got the point about the annoying part, but you did come off as if you were telling me not to express my self ever, and when you first approached me, it was random, and all you had to say was; don't talk to much tommorow, at my father's party. I'd like to let this go, buit you seem to still be making such a big deal about this.
What bothers me, T. Uncle, is that even though I absolutely agree it is our obligations as adults to help the younger generation learn appropriate behaviors, your responses on this blog seem to focus on tearing Jesse down rather than bringing him up. I wasn't there. I'm not going to assume you or Jesse are either right or wrong. I've used my blog to express many an uninformed opinion on topics that I did little more than a little wikipedia research. Is that not the point of a blog? It ain't no disseration. You can fault Jesse for lack of research all you want, but there's a difference between discouraging an expression of ideas (ill informed as they may be) and challenging their basis, and attacking a person by saying things like "Are YOU really that qualified?" "YOU think you know more than the President?" That's my personal feeling from reading your comments. Perhaps that wasn't your intent, but much like Jesse, we should all be aware of how our words are perceived or potentially perceived. So, Jesse, take what positive lesson you can and chalk this up to a challenge to do better next time.
"Now maybe over there (Vegas), he’s used to being coddled or the adults just can’t tell him that he’s doing something wrong, but I will and have done so."
You have no idea how Jesse is treated here, so please don't speculate. I can honestly say that Jesse is extremely responsive when we discipline him in my home. Just because you are having difficulties with him does not mean you need to start playing the blame game.
Cladeedah, sorry you took that at me blaming you personally. Don't get too defensive. I was addressing my post to "ananymous" who happens to live in Vegas. Turns out it was Vanessa. So I wasn't speculating at all and in fact correct with stipulating that he probably is more at liberty to say and do as he pleases over there. But maybe you should take your own advice and not speculate. Reducing my legitimate complaint with Jesse to nothing more than me "getting off on putting smart kids down" was really not a fair summation of the overall issue. So, I agree not to speculate or be as harsh with Jesse next time. And maybe you, Shannon and Vanessa could just remind Jesse to learn manners and practice them when it's necessary. All agreed? Great.
"Pretentious Jerk??!!" It's now clear who Jesse gets his whole inability to shut up and not make sneak in some ignorant little comment. You did it with that little comment, and you did it when you had to add the whole comment about "getting off and putting him down." Which is what caused this avalanche of blogs in the first place. When a child acts up, gets reprimanded, as he should, and he complains about it, then that shows how immature he is to not understand why he is getting reprimanded. If you would have called him on it, on being a whinning little baby, and told him that maybe he deserved to be reprimanded in your initial blog, and not thrown in that "getting off" comment which only fueled Jesse more by knowing that he had everyone over there to take his side and stick up for him. Maybe if you could have had the courage to tell him, "Jesse, you were being obnoxious and you needed to be reprimanded", and not "ahh, my poor baby, your uncle was mean, be a leader and learn from this challenge, or whatever" that would have eliminated my need to further explain to Jesse why I had to talk to him. I was being diplomatic and accepting fault and apologizing which you could have done too, you and everyone else, but you only further drill it in that I was wrong. There's some blame for you. And I've read some of your past blogs. You could use spell check too. Oh, and Shannon, if I "tear" him down, it's probably because he needs it. A HUGE dose of humility. Manners and Humility. And taught when he should just keep his mouth shut!
Where do I begin? First let me start off by writing that there is no malicious intent in this writing. Only TRUTH, which at times may come off as malicious, but only because the truth does hurt sometimes. Second, Jesse is my nephew and I love him. However I will not coddle him nor ignore his attitude and will call him out on it like I have on SEVERAL occasions. I will write some things that may sound harsh but they are true. Third, I have trouble sometimes trying to gather my thoughts and write them in a coherent manner. So if this rant jumps around a bit I apologize. So here we go.
Jesse, first let me start with you by "saying", YES YOU DO COME OFF AS RUDE. A lot. You know you do and I have told you, along with other people, that you do. So don't try to pretend that you don't to make Alex look bad. Because that is what you are trying to do. Not once did you deny that he encourages and debates with you and your philosophies. NOT ONCE. You know why? Because he does. What bothers me the most about what you blogged about is that not once on your other blogs do you mention that. How about a blog on the "cruel and oppressing" uncle who took you hiking(you know, the one where all you did was complain. Don't try to blame anyone else either.), or calls you to make sure you've had something to eat. How about that "Pretentious Jerk" of an uncle who takes you out with him so that you are not lonely at the house. Nothing on the guy who played dodge socks(like dodge ball but with socks) with you in the living room. No? Nothing on him huh? But this is what you decide you blog about in a public forum, with only limited and biased information(which is a habit for you). You did not give the full account and you unfairly vilified him. Knowing him and knowing you he DID explain himself clearly but you did not want to get him. You've done that to me before. Remember when we were going to see I am Legend. You asked us if we wanted to know about the movie and we said no. Not just once, but at least five time. No I am not "over-estimating myself". FIVE TIMES. And what did you do? You told us about the movie. The reason I bring this up is not to tear you down, but to show you some evidence of your behavior. So that I do not come at you with an "ill informed opinion", but with facts. Alex at least apologized for coming off as aggresive. You didn't. So how are you being the better man. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. Ungrateful comes to mind. You let this go onn not wanting to see his side only seeing this through the eyes of a thirteen year old, fueled by comments made by others. You were wrong. Which goes back to Alex's point. With age comes wisdom. You have the knowledge, but not the wisdom in how to use that knowledge.
To the rest.
Yes! Kids do need to be "put in their place". They need to be taught respect and know when to partake in adult activities. Jesse, you do get in everybody's conversation and you don't EVER exclude yourself.Not even from inappropriate conversations. I myself have tried to kick you out of them but to no avail. I can and will provide scenarios in which this happened but there is only some much I can write and I don't want to seem to tear you down. But if pressed, I will.
"geez, he's just a kid" is not a good enough excuse for rudeness. Let me share some quotes that I read from a parenting book that my wife and I read recently. "We strongly encourage parents to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of each child, but understand that uniqueness does not change the standard of ethical training. Temperaments, personalities, and even gender(he's all boy) cannot be used to excuse WRONG. The virutes and values of life are the same for all and apply to all at all ages regardless of gender or temperament. The duty of parents is to continually bring their children to that standard and not lower the standard to suit the child." In other words, just cuz he's a kids does not mean he can come off as rude. If nobody confronts this "kid" now, then he will be a rude ADULT who will vote in the next presidential election with "ill informed opinions".
Speaking of ill informed opinions. Is that really the point of a blog. To spread misinformation? What ever happened to well thought out opinions with info to back it up. I mean, if your going to call someone an idiot then you damn well better have some facts to back it up. To encourage his behavior with comments like "Chalk this moment up to one of those challenges. Life may be full of tyrant uncles, but if you get a positive lesson out of it, (patience, confidence, finding effective ways to be heard) then you've become a better person." is wrong because it does not address his attitude and allows him to think that he had no blame. Which in fact he did. It undermines the authority figJesse was wrong and should be called out on it. If not he will continue going through life thinking everybody else is wrong but him. I apologize if any of this came off mean. As I said before that was not my intent. Jesse, I don't want you to think that we are ganging up on you, but you need to listen and not just hear the noise that is coming out of our mouths. ure when they had explained themselves.
Let me rap this up. Alex told me not to respond and wanted this dropped. But I couldnt. It bugged the crud out of me that Jesse went on a public forum and told a very onesided story and did not expain himself very well. After everything Alex has done for him this is like a slap in the face. That explains his harsh remarks. I'm sure you would be a little pissed too. Sorry I didn't drop it but it needed to be said. Sorry it was so long.
Jesse this is your mother, I dont know where is your father, but if he cannot deal with his roommate ,slash brother you need to come home, Your father needs to return my calls. If we cannot communcate you cannot stay there.
I don't understand what has occured here! This situation has gone beyond what it should have ever been. Relationships strained and many hurt feelings. In my eyes everyone who has commented back has in some shape or form been rude and hurtful with their thoughts on the subject. In point people must take care of the things they blog about especially when its very personal and can have the tendencies to cause a negative reaction with the parties involved. Yes blogging is meant to be about personal opinions and feelings on issues or even simply just about ones experience of their day yet there is a time and place and a manner in which certain subjects should be shared.
As well for those who respond to the information unraveling we must learn diplomacy, respect and understanding. I can understand the offensiveness one might take in some of the situations listed above in the previous comments yet the same people getting upset are the very ones who are just as harsh,cruel, pretentious and oppresive themselves. Every single person who blogged had a point in one way or another but most of it wasn't conveyed in a fashion that was deemed appropriate or sensible to the other.
In the end no one listened to anyone else and NO ONE taught Jesse a proper way of communicating especially in difference of opinions/disagreements. We as adults must remember that children take their cue from us ALWAYS and that more is caught than taught. I'm sorry that things seem so unsettling and hopefully amends can be made and a mutual understanding can be met by the original parties in which the blog was truly meant for. While everyone else should allow them to find peace and to be sure they are cautious to not add fuel to the fire any longer; while removing themselves from a situation they were never involved in from the beginning. I believe we have all learned a valuable lesson from this circumstance starting from Jesse down to the last commenter of this particular blog.
So let's all get our bearings and return to the light hearted banter one usually has during a blog and hopefully this has not deterred ANY ONE PERSON from continuing blogging their thoughts/opinions!!!
As the one who posted the original post, I feel as if I should end it. I appreciate the last comment you made anonymous. Yes, we all learned a valuable lesson. That lesson is "interpretation" from the beginning of the blog to the end. It's all just been misscommunication. I did not mean to attack my uncle by making him out to look like a "tyrant" uncle. I was only trying to ask a question and expect a response; it was wrong for me to be specific and bias, but I apologize. Claudia pointed out that " adults get off on putting kids like you off", she mentioning adults in general. When she talked to me, she mentioned that she even does that. I'm sure Tyrant Uncle didn't mean to come off that way, but since he took the comment offensive, he switched to defense mode. When your defending yourself, you can sometimes just say a bunch of crap you don't mean.(I hope)Non of the Vegas Intellectuals took one side, no, they felt they understood where both people were coming from. George, is not wrong for sticking his nose into stuff, because this is a blog that is meant for people to express their opinions. When your writing online, you can't explain what way your expressing yourself, which is the thing that is difficult with blogging. I hope I put a stop to this post, for the better of "humanity".
I think it's great that you're interested in politics and enjoy talking about current events. I believe it's important for young people to explore different points of view so that they can find themselves and develop independent judgment. People need to keep in mind that you will be voting in the next presidential election - 2012, when you will be 18, is only 4 short years away - so you're perfectly entitled to care about what's happening today.
Brian's aunt, who cannot vote because she is not a U.S. citizen, and his cousin, who is your age, got involved anyway by volunteering at their local caucus location. So you don't have to be a registered voter to matter. There are other ways to get involved.
There is, however, a fine line between being precocious and being obnoxious. You still need to be respectful to adults and not act like you know everything. It's good practice for your to figure out how to effectively communicate your opinions without coming off condescending or pissing people off.
Adults really get off on putting smart kids like you "in their place." Get used to many more years of having humble pie jammed down your throat. The one advantage to being 30 is that, even though you might not know much more than you knew last year, the number alone gives you instant credibility.
Until then, keep being interested in the things you're interested in, keep exploring new ideas, practice your communication skills and try to be humble.
I’ve never blogged about anything before. Maybe because I’ve never really been inspired enough to partake in a discussion, but I felt this subject matter was important enough to say something. Especially considering I’m the subject that is being discussed. So I feel it necessary to defend, or at least explain my role in the aforementioned accusations. Primarily the one where I am painted as the cruel, oppressor of free and independent thought. The menace to someone’s opinion.
I shouldn’t find it surprising that you missed the point with the conversation I had with you about expressing your opinion. Yes, I did say that you shouldn’t express your opinion. But as I said in that conversation, over and over, and even again when you asked me to clarify what I meant by not being able to express your opinion. My issue was that when I have my adult friends are over, and we are talking amongst ourselves, as adults, I would appreciate that you not interrupt our conversation. You point out the moment when you blurted out that Hilary Clinton won in the Nevada primary. My issue with that was that we were all talking about boxing, seeing as how everyone came over to my house to watch a boxing match that night. And not once, but twice did you interrupt the conversation in progress to blurt out that Hilary won. After the second time, I gestured to you to give it a rest. You said, “No! I’m not going to let someone stop me from saying what I want to say.” But even when you noticed that not a single person wanted to talk about it, you got up from the computer, sat down in the chair, and again, a third time, deviated the conversation with something totally unrelated. Which is often a trend of yours. These friends of mine were here for me, not for you. They were here not to entertain you nor to be entertained by you. That was my issue.
All of this serves to illustrate my biggest problem. The gist of my conversation with you was to point out that sometimes, adults want to be adults and talk with adults. You somehow can’t comprehend that no matter how it is told to you. I was being nice and letting hang around while the adults mingled. But it wasn’t enough for you to be a fly on the wall. You had to be in the conversation. Which is what you do, every, and I mean every single time someone is having a conversation around you. You just have to have something to say. Even though it doesn’t involve you, nor do you know what you are talking about, you’ll find a way to interrupt. Each and every single time. Often times which things that have nothing to do with what is being talked about. (We could be in the middle of a conversation about what we should do when we go to Wisconsin on vacation, and you’ll blurt out, “has anyone heard the new Kanye song?”) I was trying to be nice and not make you leave, but you always have to inject some opinion into everything. You might think I’m exaggerating, just ask anyone that has ever had a conversation around you.
You should at least acknowledge that I don’t try to suppress your opinions. On the contrary, I’m the only one in this house that likes to immerse in deep discussions with you not only about politics, but about religion, movies, and anything else you like to bring up. Not even your dad has enough patience for it. I help foster your appetite for knowledge. But everything has a time and place. And you have a time and place where you are welcome to participate.
And though what your aunt alludes to is mostly correct, that age doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smarter, but life experience does mean you’re wiser. And that is something you do not have. You seem to think that I can’t relate to you. You forget I was thirteen; you on the other hand, have yet to accumulate the life experience that comes with my age.
This whole idea that you think I need to right is ridiculous and unfounded. Whenever I have been wrong, I have conceded to being wrong. However, I think you think that because of another reason. Because pf the fact that I debate some of your views on subject that you bring up to debate. I like to play Devil’s Advocate. Just because I challenge your views doesn’t mean that I’m trying to be right, I challenge them to help enlighten you that there are potentially more accurate views than your own, or to show the lack of sound research that you have put into something.
A perfect example is the whole politics thing. You seem to think that just because you watched a few news reports, CNN or whatever, you’re qualified to suggest who should be the next or best president. All you know are sound bites and tag lines. Not once have you ventured into each candidates website to research where a nominee stands on certain issues. (Barak Obama’s websites list nearly twenty “issues” on his site. Have you even read a single one?)Sure the debates help. But have you done some solid, thorough investigating? No.
I equate your opinion to an old adage; never take love advice from someone that’s never been in love. You have never jaded my politics. You don’t know how it feels to be screwed paying more taxes, or having more money taken out of your check for social security, or had the real worries an adult has had. Those things matter when voting for someone to represent you in congress. All you have is a child’s inexperience. Your worries consist of which next video game are you going to have your dad buy you. Or when is my dad going to get off his ass to buy milk. Or which movie is my dad going to take me to now so that I could blog about it later. Those are your worries. Not work schedules or deadlines or money problems. Your problems don’t carry any weight. So please don’t be offended if your opinion on politics doesn’t either. All you hear are pundits on the news criticizing our president, so therefore you think, I’m quoting you now, and “George Bush is an idiot’. Why? You had absolutely no substantial reason when I asked you to tell my why you thought he was an idiot. You’ll have no reason, no evidence for any opinion, and if you do, it’s all misinformation. Maybe it’s because you hear what you want to hear. A perfect example is that you walked away from our last conversation thinking that I didn’t want you to express an opinion. Never mind the fact that I said over and over that the whole point was because my friends were there for me, and no one wanted to hear the nonsensical ravings of a loud-mouth malcontent. And even with this blog you’ll probably walk away with me “getting off on putting kids as smart as you down”.
Your aunt hit the proverbial nail on the head. Learn to distinguish when you’re being precocious and out right obnoxious. Most off all though, learn some humility. You have an arrogance and condescending nature that will only succeed in alienating you from others. You often start and/or finish some comment with, “no offence.” As I’ve told you before, if you feel you might have to preface or end a comment with that statement, maybe you shouldn’t make the statement at all. But no light bulb goes off in your head to tell to watch what you’re saying and to whom you are saying to. That is another reason I have asked you to filter yourself around people. But I’m sure you’ll just chalk it up to me being mean or trying to suppress your opinion. Well, at least you’ll have something to blog about.
Theres his point, and I won't delete it. I don't remember saying anything cruel to anybody ever, but if he says so. I do npot alienate myself from anybody, and yes I have read his issues on the website. I will list a couple on the forth-coming blog post. Did you ever ask me what I thought about George Bush, and what he sasy in which I think he is an idiot. Therefore, your comment is irrelevant. You did mention yourself that you were a communist, and that the home that I live in, is full of communists, along with our country. I refuse to agree with anything you say, but the interuption part. once... Yes, I did yell that out twice, probably because I was trying to get attention, but I was not trying to start a conversation, and I was not intently trying stop you from having an enjoyable conversation with your intriguing friends. Yes, I do try to join conversations alot, not every single conveersation going on, if it's an inappropiate conversation, I probably won't join in. I do recall, that you were actually to watch the game at the bar, but I guess because it was "cold" you decided to say. You may have been trying to defend yourself, but I think you make yourself look more like a cruel, oppresing uncle. No offense.
I just spent an afternoon discussing readings about LEADERSHIP and the nature of Leading. One of the points was that in becoming a leader one always faces adversity, but a leader is driven to simply be and express themselves. Chalk this moment up to one of those challenges. Life may be full of tyrant uncles, but if you get a positive lesson out of it, (patience, confidence, finding effective ways to be heard) then you've become a better person.
By the way, you'll notice that the sun is out longer each day in February. In Russia, March was awesome.
No, it's still pretty dark.
Dear Jesse and tyrant uncle...well, I can feel both sides of this issue. I know Jesse as a teenager who is coming into understanding "things" on a deeper level. I also know him as a teenager who jokes around and makes silly remarks. But, geez, he's still a kid. The term "loud-mouth malcontent" is severe coming from someone related to Jesse. I can see how you probably got annoyed by his behavior that night, but maybe you're over-estimating yourself a bit by reacting so strongly to him. You did know that Jesse was going to be there, and you know how he is, and it would obviously be more mature of you as his uncle to accept him, and just tell him to relax. Reading your part where you were advertising that people were there to see you, tyrant uncle, and not him, were juvenile remarks themselves. When you're in a group of people, there's always the chance that someone will make an awkward comment/statement, but an ADULT group of people would move on and let it go, discuss it if necessary, but, still, let it go. I cannot help but agree that Jesse acts immature, but, that's what teenagers do. He will learn with every experience in life, and his reaction to blogging about it was his teenager reaction. I'm sorry to say that I felt your response, TYrant Uncle, was childish as well. We love you and miss you, Jesse. Take care and stop pi$$ing off people, and stop making a big deal on your blog about it :)
Dear anonymous and Jesse,
I agree that my blog was a bit aggressive. Let me begin this final blog (as I hope not to be further sucked into this) by apologizing to Jesse if he at any point felt I was being severe. I will also apologize if he at any point felt that I didn’t want him expressing his opinion at any time or any place. Now if Jesse had the maturity everyone gives him credit for (do not construe this as me saying he is not mature or smart, because I think he can be very mature and he’s probably the smartest 13 y/o I know) he would conduct some true analysis of what he thinks I don’t want him doing. Because he would see how wrong he is if he truly took a step back, and asked himself, if my uncle really doesn’t want me to express my opinion at any time or any place, then why is he the only one here (in Chicago) that every really engages me in conversation or debates? He knows that I’m the only one here that talks to him, helps him express or bounce off his ideas. We talk about movies, politics, religion, war, everything he brings up, I converse with him about. So his belief that I don’t want him expressing his ideas at any time and/or any place is contrary to my actions, and completely wrong. So since he mischaracterized me, I felt it necessary to explain my self. Since his blog only offered his side of the story.
That being said, his initial blog about me, the one that provoked me to explain (not defend myself as Jesse understands it), his core issue with me as written in the blog is that he feels I don’t want him to share his opinions (political or otherwise) at “any time or any place.” My point of the blog, as well as in the conversations I have had with Jesse but he clearly does not seem to absorb is that he is more than free to express his opinion at any time and any place, but there is a time and place and that he needs to start being cognizant of when those times and places are. You (anonymous) point out that, in the example I gave, I could have told him to relax, moved on and let it go. Well, the second time he mentioned it, I did tell him to let it go, but he said and I quote, “No! I’m not going to let someone stop me from saying something.” As the adult and the person in charge, I did let it go, but his response was that of a pouting little child. But how is it possible not to be upset when he further interrupted a third time? Jesse doesn’t have a filter and as the adult it is my duty, and every other adults’ duty in his life (his aunt, uncle, whomever, mother, father) to teach him and/or provide him the tools to use that filter. It’s not enough to just say, “you’re right Jesse, your uncle was being cruel.” It’s our duty to teach him proper decorum when around adults. That only makes matters worse.
So you (anonymous) are wrong in saying that I reacted improperly or immaturely. My response was natural of someone trying to do their part in helping Jesse become aware of his surroundings. In no way shape or form could you walk away that I don’t want Jesse expressing his opinion. The overall message of that blog is that he needs to learn when and where he can express it. And when adults are around adults, sometimes, not all the time, adults just want to have conversation with adults, and not with kids. I told that to him in the conversation, I cleary express that in my blog response, and yet, what does he say?, “I refuse to agree with anything you say…you may have been trying to defend yourself, but I think you make yourself look more like a cruel oppressing uncle.” Are you kidding me?!! He doesn’t understand when I told him, he doesn’t understand when I wrote it, how do I make him understand? I don’t think I’m being unreasonable when I say that there are times that adults just want to have adult conversation without a child (I don’t mean that in a derogatory way) interrupting. Is that too much to ask for? I don’t think so. But Jesse’s knee-jerk reaction was to be offended and blog about it. He does not have the maturity to step back and asses what was being asked of him. Not even when he interrupted a third time did I say anything or yell at him or tell him to leave, we ignored it and moved on. I talked to him after the fact, in a calm and civilized manner. I didn’t raise my voice nor spoke in an aggressive manner. What does he do? He blogs about it as if I’m being cruel. Now maybe over there (Vegas), he’s used to being coddled or the adults just can’t tell him that he’s doing something wrong, but I will and have done so. That conversation we had which made him write the blog wasn’t the first time I had that conversation.
So now allow me to dissect your erroneous comments, you say:
“maybe you're over-estimating yourself a bit by reacting so strongly to him,” -Are you serious?? I don’t care who you are, but if you tell someone over and over that they’re doing something wrong, and they continue to do it, then yeah, you will react a little strong. Especially if you’re being maligned in a blog. (Just ask him how many times I have had to tell him to turn off the light in the kitchen when he’s not in there. I tell him at least, at least three times a week)
“You did know that Jesse was going to be there, and you know how he is, and it would obviously be more mature of you as his uncle to accept him, and just tell him to relax. Reading your part where you were advertising that people were there to see you, tyrant uncle, and not him, were juvenile remarks themselves.” -I was mature about it. When he interrupted a third time we ignored it. That happened almost a month ago. I just had the conversation a week ago. And I wasn’t mad at him, I didn’t yell, you could even ask him, I was civil and polite the entire time. And I’m sorry, when I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. As such, kids didn’t interrupt the adults when they were together having conversation. We were taught to know when and where we were welcome. We didn’t need it advertised that the adults were there for the adults. But for some reason, it needs to be done for Jesse. If you can’t see that I was being nice simply by letting him hang around, then maybe you suffer from a similar condition. And you might say that I’m being immature for addressing you like that. But I’m not trying to attack you. You too have to see that I was being reasonable in every step I took and the approach I had was far beyond of what any reasonable person would have had considering how often it is mentioned in order to avoid another conversation.
He will not learn as you suggest unless I do my part and help teach him. Me addressing it to him was not me chastising him, but helping him develop his manners and/or decorum around adults. If all he walks away with is that I was being mean, or punishing him, then he is not putting his part in his personal evolutionary contract. But if we as adults, just humor him and say, “well Jesse, just chalk this up to a life challenge”, (as someone mentioned) we are not helping him. A comment like that only belittles my issue to nothing more than a despotic rant. That’s wrong! Especially considering my issue is and was a valid one.
Now Jesse,
I do apologize for you walking away with the impressing that I don’t want you expressing your opinion any time and any place. Hopefully, this cleared things up. I hope it was not futile or in vain this final blog. I do believe you are the smartest 13 y/o I know. But learn humility. Learn manners when around adults. Learn the ability to gauge when and where you can say something. That’s my overall message.
For example: You asked in your response, “when did I ever say George Bush was an idiot”, you have on several occasions. Allow me to show you using your very own blog simply by entreating you to read your blog about Stem Cells and George Bush. Though that blog is intelligently written, it is inherently wreckless. I was beyond impressed at your prose, and at how articulate it all sounded, but how much of what you wrote do you really understand? You dismiss George Bush by saying, “George Bush just has to stick his nose in to stuff he probably doesn’t understand”, Wow. You did maybe, three days worth of research, read an article or two, maybe even a text book, science book, and in that amount of time, you think you know more informed than the president of the United States, who has experts, access to some of the smartest people on the planet, advising him on the topic, and you think with the limited amount of knowledge you have, you are an authority more so than the president?? Wow!! Are you really that qualified to dismiss Bush? A thirteen y/o with 8th grade education is more versed on stem cell research than a 60+ y/o Yale graduate, with more accumulated academic knowledge, expert scientific advice? Have you ever gone on to a pro-life website to see the other side’s argument? If that’s the case, why are you still in 8th grade and not in some science lab? The other side has their scientist as well. People with doctorates, degrees and certificates, much more qualified than you, and yet, you know more than they do, is that it? This is what I’m talking about. Your approach to a topic is mostly misinformed or limited at best. And when you and I debate, these are the gaps I try to fill in for you, but all you do is say that “I’m just trying to be right”.
Humility. Look it up. Then you could blog about that and how you’re going to do your best to be more humble.
another 3 pages of explanation. Thanks for the apologie. Online.
Dude, you do not want to start with VAnessa, and I do confess that my post was a little bit biest. So, can we all just shut up already? I got the point about the annoying part, but you did come off as if you were telling me not to express my self ever, and when you first approached me, it was random, and all you had to say was; don't talk to much tommorow, at my father's party. I'd like to let this go, buit you seem to still be making such a big deal about this.
What bothers me, T. Uncle, is that even though I absolutely agree it is our obligations as adults to help the younger generation learn appropriate behaviors, your responses on this blog seem to focus on tearing Jesse down rather than bringing him up. I wasn't there. I'm not going to assume you or Jesse are either right or wrong. I've used my blog to express many an uninformed opinion on topics that I did little more than a little wikipedia research. Is that not the point of a blog? It ain't no disseration. You can fault Jesse for lack of research all you want, but there's a difference between discouraging an expression of ideas (ill informed as they may be) and challenging their basis, and attacking a person by saying things like "Are YOU really that qualified?" "YOU think you know more than the President?" That's my personal feeling from reading your comments. Perhaps that wasn't your intent, but much like Jesse, we should all be aware of how our words are perceived or potentially perceived. So, Jesse, take what positive lesson you can and chalk this up to a challenge to do better next time.
"Now maybe over there (Vegas), he’s used to being coddled or the adults just can’t tell him that he’s doing something wrong, but I will and have done so."
You have no idea how Jesse is treated here, so please don't speculate. I can honestly say that Jesse is extremely responsive when we discipline him in my home. Just because you are having difficulties with him does not mean you need to start playing the blame game.
Cladeedah, sorry you took that at me blaming you personally. Don't get too defensive. I was addressing my post to "ananymous" who happens to live in Vegas. Turns out it was Vanessa. So I wasn't speculating at all and in fact correct with stipulating that he probably is more at liberty to say and do as he pleases over there. But maybe you should take your own advice and not speculate. Reducing my legitimate complaint with Jesse to nothing more than me "getting off on putting smart kids down" was really not a fair summation of the overall issue. So, I agree not to speculate or be as harsh with Jesse next time. And maybe you, Shannon and Vanessa could just remind Jesse to learn manners and practice them when it's necessary. All agreed? Great.
"Pretentious Jerk??!!" It's now clear who Jesse gets his whole inability to shut up and not make sneak in some ignorant little comment. You did it with that little comment, and you did it when you had to add the whole comment about "getting off and putting him down." Which is what caused this avalanche of blogs in the first place. When a child acts up, gets reprimanded, as he should, and he complains about it, then that shows how immature he is to not understand why he is getting reprimanded. If you would have called him on it, on being a whinning little baby, and told him that maybe he deserved to be reprimanded in your initial blog, and not thrown in that "getting off" comment which only fueled Jesse more by knowing that he had everyone over there to take his side and stick up for him. Maybe if you could have had the courage to tell him, "Jesse, you were being obnoxious and you needed to be reprimanded", and not "ahh, my poor baby, your uncle was mean, be a leader and learn from this challenge, or whatever" that would have eliminated my need to further explain to Jesse why I had to talk to him. I was being diplomatic and accepting fault and apologizing which you could have done too, you and everyone else, but you only further drill it in that I was wrong. There's some blame for you. And I've read some of your past blogs. You could use spell check too.
Oh, and Shannon, if I "tear" him down, it's probably because he needs it. A HUGE dose of humility. Manners and Humility. And taught when he should just keep his mouth shut!
At least she has the common courtesy to delete the comment.
You are something else dude.
Where do I begin? First let me start off by writing that there is no malicious intent in this writing. Only TRUTH, which at times may come off as malicious, but only because the truth does hurt sometimes. Second, Jesse is my nephew and I love him. However I will not coddle him nor ignore his attitude and will call him out on it like I have on SEVERAL occasions. I will write some things that may sound harsh but they are true. Third, I have trouble sometimes trying to gather my thoughts and write them in a coherent manner. So if this rant jumps around a bit I apologize. So here we go.
Jesse, first let me start with you by "saying", YES YOU DO COME OFF AS RUDE. A lot. You know you do and I have told you, along with other people, that you do. So don't try to pretend that you don't to make Alex look bad. Because that is what you are trying to do. Not once did you deny that he encourages and debates with you and your philosophies. NOT ONCE. You know why? Because he does. What bothers me the most about what you blogged about is that not once on your other blogs do you mention that. How about a blog on the "cruel and oppressing" uncle who took you hiking(you know, the one where all you did was complain. Don't try to blame anyone else either.), or calls you to make sure you've had something to eat. How about that "Pretentious Jerk" of an uncle who takes you out with him so that you are not lonely at the house. Nothing on the guy who played dodge socks(like dodge ball but with socks) with you in the living room. No? Nothing on him huh? But this is what you decide you blog about in a public forum, with only limited and biased information(which is a habit for you). You did not give the full account and you unfairly vilified him. Knowing him and knowing you he DID explain himself clearly but you did not want to get him. You've done that to me before. Remember when we were going to see I am Legend. You asked us if we wanted to know about the movie and we said no. Not just once, but at least five time. No I am not "over-estimating myself". FIVE TIMES. And what did you do? You told us about the movie. The reason I bring this up is not to tear you down, but to show you some evidence of your behavior. So that I do not come at you with an "ill informed opinion", but with facts. Alex at least apologized for coming off as aggresive. You didn't. So how are you being the better man. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. Ungrateful comes to mind. You let this go onn not wanting to see his side only seeing this through the eyes of a thirteen year old, fueled by comments made by others. You were wrong. Which goes back to Alex's point. With age comes wisdom. You have the knowledge, but not the wisdom in how to use that knowledge.
To the rest.
Yes! Kids do need to be "put in their place". They need to be taught respect and know when to partake in adult activities. Jesse, you do get in everybody's conversation and you don't EVER exclude yourself.Not even from inappropriate conversations. I myself have tried to kick you out of them but to no avail. I can and will provide scenarios in which this happened but there is only some much I can write and I don't want to seem to tear you down. But if pressed, I will.
"geez, he's just a kid" is not a good enough excuse for rudeness. Let me share some quotes that I read from a parenting book that my wife and I read recently. "We strongly encourage parents to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of each child, but understand that uniqueness does not change the standard of ethical training. Temperaments, personalities, and even gender(he's all boy) cannot be used to excuse WRONG. The virutes and values of life are the same for all and apply to all at all ages regardless of gender or temperament. The duty of parents is to continually bring their children to that standard and not lower the standard to suit the child." In other words, just cuz he's a kids does not mean he can come off as rude. If nobody confronts this "kid" now, then he will be a rude ADULT who will vote in the next presidential election with "ill informed opinions".
Speaking of ill informed opinions. Is that really the point of a blog. To spread misinformation? What ever happened to well thought out opinions with info to back it up. I mean, if your going to call someone an idiot then you damn well better have some facts to back it up. To encourage his behavior with comments like "Chalk this moment up to one of those challenges. Life may be full of tyrant uncles, but if you get a positive lesson out of it, (patience, confidence, finding effective ways to be heard) then you've become a better person." is wrong because it does not address his attitude and allows him to think that he had no blame. Which in fact he did. It undermines the authority figJesse was wrong and should be called out on it. If not he will continue going through life thinking everybody else is wrong but him. I apologize if any of this came off mean. As I said before that was not my intent. Jesse, I don't want you to think that we are ganging up on you, but you need to listen and not just hear the noise that is coming out of our mouths.
ure when they had explained themselves.
Let me rap this up. Alex told me not to respond and wanted this dropped. But I couldnt. It bugged the crud out of me that Jesse went on a public forum and told a very onesided story and did not expain himself very well. After everything Alex has done for him this is like a slap in the face. That explains his harsh remarks. I'm sure you would be a little pissed too. Sorry I didn't drop it but it needed to be said. Sorry it was so long.
I hope this comment is added
Jesse this is your mother, I dont know where is your father, but if he cannot deal with his roommate ,slash brother you need to come home, Your father needs to return my calls. If we cannot communcate you cannot stay there.
You were suppose to go there to get to know your dad?
I don't understand what has occured here! This situation has gone beyond what it should have ever been. Relationships strained and many hurt feelings. In my eyes everyone who has commented back has in some shape or form been rude and hurtful with their thoughts on the subject. In point people must take care of the things they blog about especially when its very personal and can have the tendencies to cause a negative reaction with the parties involved. Yes blogging is meant to be about personal opinions and feelings on issues or even simply just about ones experience of their day yet there is a time and place and a manner in which certain subjects should be shared.
As well for those who respond to the information unraveling we must learn diplomacy, respect and understanding. I can understand the offensiveness one might take in some of the situations listed above in the previous comments yet the same people getting upset are the very ones who are just as harsh,cruel, pretentious and oppresive themselves. Every single person who blogged had a point in one way or another but most of it wasn't conveyed in a fashion that was deemed appropriate or sensible to the other.
In the end no one listened to anyone else and NO ONE taught Jesse a proper way of communicating especially in difference of opinions/disagreements. We as adults must remember that children take their cue from us ALWAYS and that more is caught than taught. I'm sorry that things seem so unsettling and hopefully amends can be made and a mutual understanding can be met by the original parties in which the blog was truly meant for. While everyone else should allow them to find peace and to be sure they are cautious to not add fuel to the fire any longer; while removing themselves from a situation they were never involved in from the beginning. I believe we have all learned a valuable lesson from this circumstance starting from Jesse down to the last commenter of this particular blog.
So let's all get our bearings and return to the light hearted banter one usually has during a blog and hopefully this has not deterred ANY ONE PERSON from continuing blogging their thoughts/opinions!!!
As the one who posted the original post, I feel as if I should end it. I appreciate the last comment you made anonymous. Yes, we all learned a valuable lesson. That lesson is "interpretation" from the beginning of the blog to the end. It's all just been misscommunication. I did not mean to attack my uncle by making him out to look like a "tyrant" uncle. I was only trying to ask a question and expect a response; it was wrong for me to be specific and bias, but I apologize. Claudia pointed out that " adults get off on putting kids like you off", she mentioning adults in general. When she talked to me, she mentioned that she even does that. I'm sure Tyrant Uncle didn't mean to come off that way, but since he took the comment offensive, he switched to defense mode. When your defending yourself, you can sometimes just say a bunch of crap you don't mean.(I hope)Non of the Vegas Intellectuals took one side, no, they felt they understood where both people were coming from. George, is not wrong for sticking his nose into stuff, because this is a blog that is meant for people to express their opinions. When your writing online, you can't explain what way your expressing yourself, which is the thing that is difficult with blogging. I hope I put a stop to this post, for the better of "humanity".
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