Of course, I'm guessing everyone at least caught a glimpse of the Superbowl, and the final score of the game. If you didn't, it was 17, 14, NY Giants. The greataest upset in Super Bowl history. 80% of non Giants fans, thought that the Boston Patriotswere to pund on the Giants, and the score would be at least 19-0 abviously, that was not the case at all. Both teams played horrible offense, and the Giants won solely by their incredible Defense that decided to show up in the last game of the season. The one that counted the most. So, yes I do admit that the Giants truly deserved to win, and there's nothing anybody could say to contradict that. They won fair and square, and if anything, the Pats did cheat, themselves, during the season, by alledgedly video taping plays, and reviewing them to learn each teams moves. If you know Eli Manning(Quaterback of the Giants) then you know his brother Payton( Quarterback for the Colts, and yes the team that won the Super Bowl last year), but did you know that their father, Archie Manning, is a hall-of-famer? And that both sons are heading down the same path? Pretty cool gene pool. Overall, it was a horrible game, and the only thing that made up for that, was the commercials, and maybe Tom Petty. Although I could not tell if he was lip singing. Oh, yeah, and Tom Brady sucked.
For those that are sports knowledge impaired, I have written a word key.
Defense: A position in which a team must stop the oppenent from gaining any yardage( runs)
Offense: A position in which a team has to try and get the ball to the other end of the field, either by running, or catching the ball, or a combonation of both.
Tom Petty: Country-Rock/pop/Blure Grass singer/guitarist who came out with such sungs as: " Free Fallin", " Runnin' Down A Dream", " American Girl", and " Last Dance With Mary Jane"
Quarterback: Person who throws the ball( he's the only one that can)