Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Communists control our children!!

Lately, I have felt that our country's democracy has not been used correctly. I have recently signed up for the student council at my school. At my previous schools in Vegas, students got to choose, and vote for their president, vice president, treasurer, and officer. At the school I am at in Chicago, the students actually do not vote for them. There is one teacher whos says if you are in or not, and there isn't even positions. I still wrote a speach, and presented it, but felt like saying something about this, and maybe I will soon. Any advice? note: What will happen in 2084, Big Brother?


Cladeedah said...

I think your teachers are Nazis. And that you need to proofread this post again.


Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. We miss you!!!

jesse said...

Ok. Thanks I guess.

jesse said...
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Shannon said...

I would politely mention to the teacher in charge, after he/she selects you, that you were at first "surprised" that students didn't vote for Student council, but you are happy you were given the chance since you were so new to the school. Then ask her the reasoning for the policy. Next, if it bothers you, get on the school newspaper and as you are about to leave the school or at the end of the school year, write about it.

It's all about politics and diplomacy. Do this and you can be my running mate.

Shannon said...

Oh! Happy Thanksgiving too!

jesse said...

Thanks you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too, but they don't have a newspaper either!! Can you believe it?

Cladeedah said...

I bet they have teacher-controlled propoganda though, don't they? Can you say "Two legs good. Four legs bad?"